Sculpture «Prandium meum»

Sculpture «Prandium meum»
Sculpture «Prandium meum»
Sculpture «Prandium meum»
Sculpture «Prandium meum»
Sculpture «Prandium meum»
Sculpture «Prandium meum»
Sculpture «Prandium meum»
Sculpture «Prandium meum»
Sculpture «Prandium meum»
Sculpture «Prandium meum»
Sculpture «Prandium meum»
Sculpture «Prandium meum»
Sculpture «Prandium meum»
Sculpture «Prandium meum»
Sculpture «Prandium meum»
Sculpture «Prandium meum»
Sculpture «Prandium meum»
Sculpture «Prandium meum»

Sculpture «Prandium meum». Made of patinated bronze (weight 2.5 kg), located on an oak stand. On a beautiful silver (implied) device (the fork is used by the owners every day, so the unevenness of the teeth is the author's idea - to show a thing touched by history) a sausage with ketchup is pricked. There is a contrast here: an expensive device is a simple inexpensive meal.Sculpted from nature.

Sculpture «Prandium meum»

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Магазин на Новой Риге (Юнимолл)
In section:
sculpture, bronze sculpture, miscellaneous, decor, gifts
Bronze, oak, Patine
H-46, W-22, D-18 см
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