Antique tea set for five persons

Antique tea set for five persons
Antique tea set for five persons
Antique tea set for five persons
Antique tea set for five persons
Antique tea set for five persons
Antique tea set for five persons
Antique tea set for five persons
Antique tea set for five persons
Antique tea set for five persons
Antique tea set for five persons

Antique tea set for five persons. The set is made of porcelain, decorated with polychrome painting. Japan, 20th century.

The Satsuma style got its name from the province where production began. The earliest known products date back to the mid-17th century, when the shard was still dark in color. And the world-famous products in the Satsuma style appeared at the end of the Edo period. The founder of the style is considered to be the master Kinkōzan Sobei, it was he who began working with very thin creamy white porcelain, painting it in a characteristic manner.

Antique tea set for five persons

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Магазин на Новой Риге (Юнимолл)
In section:
furniture and décor in oriental style, decor items, miscellaneous, tableware, gifts
чайник: H-8, L-19 cm
пиала H-3.5, W-6 cm
XXth century
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