59 000
- Артикул
- 01_5109
- Available:
- In Stock
Магазин на Новой Риге (Юнимолл)
- In section:
- paintings, graphics, wall decoration
- Materials:
- Paper
Обозначение размеров:
- H – высота,
- W – ширина,
- D – глубина,
- d – диаметр
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Ещё в разделе «Paintings»
Antique painting “Fortress environs”Non-objective composition No. 2"
"Pier,Capri I sland"Abandoned V illa»
Ref nr. 02_1265
688 000
The painting "Ref nr. 02_0704
297 400
Large painting "New Year in kindergarten"Ref nr. 03_0166
967 500
Antique painting"Pier,
Ref nr. 03_0053
624 500
Antique scheduleRef nr. 01_5316
11 500
Antique painting "View of the city from the sea"Ref nr. 01_6109
1 390 000
Antique wall panelRef nr. 02_2521
441 000
The painting "Stresa. Ref nr. 02_1859
220 000