Engraving "Frontispiece de l'Encyclopédie"

Engraving "Frontispiece de l'Encyclopédie"
Engraving "Frontispiece de l'Encyclopédie"
Engraving "Frontispiece de l'Encyclopédie"
Engraving "Frontispiece de l'Encyclopédie"
Engraving "Frontispiece de l'Encyclopédie"
Engraving "Frontispiece de l'Encyclopédie"

Christomathic engraving "Frontispice de l'Encyclopédie". Traditionally, these types of engravings are called frontispieces. The term comes from the architectural term "Frontispice", which refers to the decoration of the main entrance to the building. In the publishing house, the frontispiece was the first page in a book with a picture that preceded the title page. Most often, portraits of the authors were depicted as frontispieces.

This engraving is in fact the title page of the Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers in its original title, an extensive encyclopedia published in French in the 18th century by a significant group of intellectuals under by Diderot and d'Alembert. It represents an important starting point in a long journey towards the creation of a universal compendium of knowledge, as well as the first widespread and successful prototype of modern encyclopedias, which subsequent encyclopedias will look at and draw inspiration from in the structure. Such an engraving can serve as a symbolic gift for an intellectual or a connoisseur of history. Paper, print. Europe, XX century.

Engraving "Frontispiece de l'Encyclopédie"

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Магазин на Новой Риге (Юнимолл)
In section:
paintings, graphics, miscellaneous, wall decoration, gifts
H - 49, W - 37 cm
XXth century
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