Antique Vase with Dragon, Japan

Antique Vase
with Dragon, Japan
Antique Vase
with Dragon, Japan
Antique Vase
with Dragon, Japan
Antique Vase
with Dragon, Japan
Antique Vase
with Dragon, Japan
Antique Vase
with Dragon, Japan
Antique Vase
with Dragon, Japan
Antique Vase
with Dragon, Japan

A magnificent vase with a dragon entwining the narrow neck of the vase. The vase is made of bronze, the relief given to the surface by the master is visible, the figure of the dragon is made at the highest level, the fingers, scales, muzzle with whiskers are worked out. Japan, 19th century.

Dragons have always attracted people with their power, wisdom, served as the embodiment of the power of space (order). The dragon is longevity, wisdom and strength.

Antique Vase with Dragon, Japan

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Магазин на Новой Риге (Юнимолл)
In section:
furniture and décor in oriental style, vintage japanese vases, decor items, miscellaneous, antique vases, gifts, for leaders, for men, vip gifts, for women
H-60, d-23 cm
XXth century
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