Antique tapestry "Horseman, year 1328"
Antique tapestry "Horseman, year 1328". Wool, silk. Tapestry is usually used to describe something that was not woven at the Goblen brothers' factory, but is nevertheless a valuable acquisition. The tapestry depicts a horseman dressed in a knightly manner, with a greater tendency towards the Gothic style. This is also confirmed by the embroidery in Latin with Roman numerals, which mean "Year one thousand three hundred and twenty eight". A castle is visible on the right side, arrows are sticking out of the ground on the horseman's path, most likely a battle is taking place. France, 20th century.
Antique tapestry "Horseman, year 1328"

- Артикул
- 03_0095
- Available:
- In Stock
Магазин на Новой Риге (Юнимолл)
Обозначение размеров:
- H – высота,
- W – ширина,
- D – глубина,
- d – диаметр
- Style:
- Gothic
- Period:
- XXth century
Ещё в разделе «Textiles»

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