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Antique fire accessories

Ref nr. 03_0286

Ref nr. 03_0233

Ref nr. 03_0236

Ref nr. 88_3501

Ref nr. 03_0008

screen, the Netherlands
Ref nr. 88_9799

Ref nr. 02_0802

Ref nr. 02_2510

Ref nr. 04_391

Ref nr. 88_1041

Ref nr. 02_1247

Ref nr. 02_1130

Ref nr. 88_0976

Ref nr. 01_4215

Ref nr. 04_209

Ref nr. 02_0277

Ref nr. 01_4110

Ref nr. 01_4557

Ref nr. 01_3313

Ref nr. 01_3213

Ref nr. 01_3163

Ref nr. 01_0244

Ref nr. 01_0245

Ref nr. 04_382

Ref nr. 04_202
In our website or in our gallery you will find a great deal of antique fire accessories: firescreens, firebacks, bellows, fenders, firedogs and hob grates. We have as well on stock or on request old fire tools. As a rule in 19th and 20th fire tools were made of bronze or cast iron and decorated with marble or steel or gilt elements.