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Найдено: 410
Antique sculpture "Daikoku"Antique sculpture "Daikoku"

Ref nr. 02_1849

230 000
Vintage figurine "Pekingese"Vintage figurine "Pekingese"

Ref nr. 02_5515

8 000
Antique sculpture "Cannon"Antique sculpture "Cannon"

Ref nr. 02_5393

18 000
Antique sculpture "Cannon"Antique sculpture "Cannon"

Ref nr. 02_5391

10 000
Antique figurine "Girl" Karl EnnsAntique figurine "Girl" Karl Enns

Ref nr. 02_5372

34 800
Antique paired sculptures "Phidias and Pericles"Antique paired sculptures "Phidias and Pericles"

Ref nr. 88_5350

112 500
Statuette of an East European ShepherdStatuette of an East European Shepherd

Ref nr. 02_5360

12 500
Vintage sculpture "Rat"Vintage sculpture "Rat"

Ref nr. 88_5613

29 000
Vintage figurine "Girl in a dress" Royal DoultonVintage figurine "Girl in a dress" Royal Doulton

Ref nr. 02_5375

10 700
antique figurine,
Sitzendorf porcelain factoryAntique figurine,
Sitzendorf porcelain factory

Ref nr. 02_5813

24 500
Antique figurine HertwigAntique figurine Hertwig

Ref nr. 02_5366

17 500
Antique figurine "Hunting" Karl EnnsAntique figurine "Hunting" Karl Enns

Ref nr. 02_5365

71 000
Antique figurine "Pair of doves" Royal CopenhagenAntique figurine "Pair of doves" Royal Copenhagen

Ref nr. 02_5359

12 500
Vintage sculpture "Girl with Greyhounds"Vintage sculpture "Girl with Greyhounds"

Ref nr. 02_5381

78 400
Antique figurine of the bird Bing and GrendalAntique figurine of the bird Bing and Grendal

Ref nr. 02_5356

10 600
Antique figurine "Greyhounds" Karl EnnsAntique figurine "Greyhounds" Karl Enns

Ref nr. 02_5367

55 800
Antique sculpture "Children running from a thunderstorm"Antique sculpture "Children running from a thunderstorm"

Ref nr. 02_5253

76 000
Antique sculpture "Hotei"Antique sculpture "Hotei"

Ref nr. 02_5322

259 300
Antique sculpture "Child"Antique sculpture "Child"

Ref nr. 02_5257

22 500
Vintage sculpture "Conductor"Vintage sculpture "Conductor"

Ref nr. 01_3441

7 500
Antique figurine "Girl"Antique figurine "Girl"

Ref nr. 88_1256

8 000
Antique figurine "Collie"Antique figurine "Collie"

Ref nr. 02_5364

9 500
Antique sculpture "Hotei"Antique sculpture "Hotei"

Ref nr. 02_5209

183 900
Vintage sculpture "Leopard"Vintage sculpture "Leopard"

Ref nr. 02_5199

77 600
Antique figurine "Putti"Antique figurine "Putti"

Ref nr. 02_2698

24 700
Antique figurine "Bullfinch" Bing and GrendalAntique figurine "Bullfinch" Bing and Grendal

Ref nr. 02_5352

11 400
Antique sculptural composition "Ebisu and Daikoku"Antique sculptural composition "Ebisu and Daikoku"

Ref nr. 02_5159

248 300
Sculpture "Rabbit"Sculpture "Rabbit"

Ref nr. 02_1411

96 750
Antique figurine “Nude on horseback”Antique figurine “Nude on horseback”

Ref nr. 02_2585

40 000

Ref nr. 88_5329

127 000
Sculpture "Dog"Sculpture "Dog"

Ref nr. 02_5608

13 500
Unusual sculpture "Pineapple"Unusual sculpture "Pineapple"

Ref nr. 02_5595

220 000 172 000
Antique sculpture "Huntress"Antique sculpture "Huntress"

Ref nr. 02_5604

178 000
Sculpture "Royal Angel Fish"Sculpture "Royal Angel Fish"

Ref nr. 02_5597

290 000 237 500
Sculpture "Playing chess"Sculpture "Playing chess"

Ref nr. 02_5103

299 700
Figurine "Harlequin"Figurine "Harlequin"

Ref nr. 02_5102

87 000
Sculpture "Girl with chickens" Bing and GraendalSculpture "Girl with chickens" Bing and Graendal

Ref nr. 02_5802

25 500
Sculpture "Boar"Sculpture "Boar"

Ref nr. 02_5612

11 000
Sculpture "Diana"Sculpture "Diana"

Ref nr. 88_5331

175 000
Antique sculpture "parrot"Antique sculpture "parrot"

Ref nr. 88_5303

180 000
Antique figurine "Pelicans", Karl EnsAntique figurine "Pelicans", Karl Ens

Ref nr. 02_5279

188 000
Sculpture "Venus", or "Venus the Conqueror"Sculpture "Venus", or "Venus the Conqueror"

Ref nr. 88_5328

97 000
Vintage sculpture "Panther"Vintage sculpture "Panther"

Ref nr. 88_5251

73 200
Vintage figurine "Nude girl with fawn"Vintage figurine "Nude girl with fawn"

Ref nr. 02_2595

37 000
Antique figurine "Little mother", DenmarkAntique figurine "Little mother", Denmark

Ref nr. 02_5777

15 500
Large decorative figureLarge decorative figure

Ref nr. 02_1352

55 000
Antique sculpture "Symbol of motherhood"Antique sculpture "Symbol of motherhood"

Ref nr. 02_2285

116 000
Figure "Fortune-telling on a daisy"Figure "Fortune-telling on a daisy"

Ref nr. 02_1351

7 500
Antique barometer-watchesAntique barometer-watches

Ref nr. 02_2230

1 560 000
Sculpture "Deer"Sculpture "Deer"

Ref nr. 88_2121

59 000
Vintage figurine "Sage"Vintage figurine "Sage"

Ref nr. 02_2150

9 980
Vintage figurine "Boy with geese"Vintage figurine "Boy with geese"

Ref nr. 02_2148

50 000
Antique sculptural composition "Space Era"Antique sculptural composition "Space Era"

Ref nr. 88_1295

34 500
Vintage figurine "At the ball"Vintage figurine "At the ball"

Ref nr. 02_1268

70 000